With EQORIA CHILDREN PARADISE, we believe in what is empirical and ownerless. ECP is designed to bring excellent life to children in order to become the most capable, most prosper, most free and most in self harmony, EQORIA Citizen contributing to our planet Earth to create the most amazing Planetarian Singularity

Life isn’t segregated by age; communities aren’t neatly divided into peer groups and we don’t just hang out with people our own age. So why do most school systems separate students based on their age?
Contrary to popular belief, age does not dictate social or academic developmental level, and it’s in fact more beneficial for children (even as early as preschool and kindergarten levels) to be exposed to mixed age groups throughout their social, intellectual, and emotional development.
Because some kids learn faster, or slower, keeping children of the same age learning the same concepts will end up leaving some behind, and pulling others back. Learning has little to do with age, and much more to do with how well they absorb and interpret information, as well as their learning style.
Exposing kids to a mixed age group environment helps boost their learning experience and their development in a number of ways.